This week, the Netherlands is hosting the World Hydrogen 2023 Summit & Exhibition, which takes place in Rotterdam from 9 till 11 May. The summit and exhibition will act as a roadmap for the future, connecting companies and governments to establish partnerships and set key priorities to scale up hydrogen deployment.

Hydrogen is a key investment for the energy transition, not only in the Netherlands, but also worldwide. It is crucial that policy makers and the industry meet regularly to track current developments and to map out the path to the future together.
For more information about the World Hydrogen Summit 2023, see:
Sweden & The Netherlands
It is also essential that the Dutch hydrogen sector looks beyond borders for opportunities in the field of hydrogen. Together with the Dutch embassies in Norway, Finland and Denmark, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sweden worked on a hydrogen market study for opportunities for Dutch companies and R&D collaboration in the Nordics. The report provides a detailed overview of opportunities per country, including market entry guides. During the World Hydrogen Summit, on 11 May, we will present a sneak preview of the market study as well. The report will be published before summer.

Stay tuned!